Ludwig Szinicz Straße 3
4614 Marchtrenk, Austria
Phone: +43 (0)50 486 Limited liability corporation
Legal Form: Limited liability corporation
Corporate Office: 4614 Marchtrenk
Commercial Register Number: FN 641078 m
Commercial Register Court: Landesgericht (Regional Court) Wels
Sales Tax ID Number: ATU81414569
Dr. Henry Puhl
Clemens Bauernfeind
Dipl.- Ing. (Graduate Engineer) (FH) Christoph Wolkerstorfer
Supervisory Authority / Trade Authority: Bezirkshauptmannschaft (district administrative office) Wels-Land
Applicable Professional Code: Gewerbeordnung (Austrian Business and Trade Code) 1994 (GewO) in the respective current version
Member of: Austrian Economic Chamber
Nature of Business: Administrative work and holding company function for the corporate group.
Brands: TGW, FlashPick, OmniPick, OmniStore, Rovolution, KingDrive, TGW Commander, iWACS, Cognitive Warehouse
Responsible for the Content: TGW Logistics GmbH
Unless specified otherwise, TGW shall be the sole copyright holder for all text, graphics, photos, logos/brands, design, etc. that can be retrieved on this website. Therefore, use is permitted only with express written consent of the rights owner or for private use.
If this website includes links to third-party websites, TGW shall not assume any liability or warranty of any kind for the content of these "external links", because TGW has no influence on their content and design. If the website operator obtains knowledge of any legal infringement by the content of external links, this link shall be removed immediately insofar as this is technically possible and reasonable.
The content of this website is created with the greatest possible care and is subject to regular updates and review. TGW shall assume no liability for its completeness or suitability for certain purposes.
The website owner is solely responsible for its own content. The user shall have sole risk for the use of this website and the retrievable content.